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Surf Courses

Pristine waves and stunning tropical scenery.

Our surf lessons are designed for all levels. Perfect for people whom wants to start and learn in the paradise,
for the one who already know a bit about surfing and want to get better or whom ready to score perfect waves...
Pure blue Surf & Yoga retreat will always provide you the best way to have fun and learn new things!

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Wether you are a beginner or an experienced surfer we have all the options for you to enjoy some of the best waves of Maldives and have fun in the blue clear water

Known as a true swell magnet during the season, Jailbreak, which is within walking distance, offers perfect conditions with offshore winds and waves working at every tide and size... Come and experience this world-class spot !

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Discover the ultimate surfing haven along this
picturesque coastline. Here, youll find perfect waves that cater to all levels of surfers. From gentle rollers to thrilling tubes, its a dream come true for anyone looking to catch some waves and soak up the sun.

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Surf Skate

Surfing on land

We will practice surf skating at the nearby skatepark and improve our balance, coordination, and technique. This will translates directly to better performance in real surfing. It's a great way to sharpen our skills and have fun outside of the water.

Main point breaks

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Do you wanna try to surf with us?

It's simple, you only need to click the button below
and add one of our personal surf course in your holiday package.


The lineup

Introduction to the lineup and the written and unwritten rules to follow when surfing in this area.

Surf safety, surf etiquette & priority rules

We cover topics on how to behave in the water, crowd handling, positioning, pecking order, how to fall, and where to paddle back out without being in danger of hurting yourself or others.

Ocean awareness

In this course, youll no longer only be in the shallows on the inside sandbank but outside in deeper water. Therefore, well teach you everything you need to know about ocean safety and factors like rips, tides, waves and weather to ensure your safety in the ocean.

Spot guiding

Throughout the week, the local surf teacher will take you to different spots according to the swell and weather conditions. This means youll learn what spots work best on different tides, swell- and wind directions, so you can spend your time surfing the best spots at the right times.

Individual coaching

The coach will see what you need to improve and which adjustments are required to take your surfing to the next level.

Surf equipment

There are many types of boards for different kinds of waves, body types and skillsets. During the course, youll learn more about these. Youll also have the opportunity to try out some different ones.

Surfing green waves

The goal for this course is to become comfortable catching waves on your own, standing up and surfing down the line, going left and right.

Surfing terms

Learn the language of surfing and develop a broader understanding of the jargon and culture.

Board control in the lineup

Well help you refresh and tighten up your lineup game, making sure you know how to position yourself on the board and in the lineup.

Techniques for passing through the waves

We’ll practice the turtle roll and the duck dive depending on your level.